Monday, 7 December 2020

Create a BOM in Dynamics 365 AX

 Create a BOM and BOM version

Create a BOM in Microsoft Dynamics AX

  1. Click Inventory management > Common > Bills of materials.
  2. Press CTRL+N to create a new BOM.
  3. Enter information to identify the BOM.
  4. Click Lines to open the BOM line form.
  5. Select the item number, and enter the quantity to create additional BOM lines for any component items that make up the BOM.
  6. Close the form.
  7. Click Approve to open the Approve bill of materials form.
  8. Select an employee name, and then click OK.

Create a BOM version

  1. To create another version of the new BOM, press CTRL+N in the Versions grid to create a new line.
  2. Select the relevant item number, and enter dates in the From date and To date fields to control the validity period of the BOM version. Use the From qty. field to set a minimum item quantity for using the BOM version.
  3. Click Approve to approve the BOM version.
  4. Select the Active check box to make the BOM version active.BOM line (form)

BOM line (form)

Click Product information management > Common > Product builder > Product models. Select a product model line, and then click Open. In the Product model form, in the lower pane, right-click the Modeling tree node, point to New, and then click BOM node.

Use this form to set up value assignments for the fields that appear on the lines of bills of materials (BOM). Use the Allocation of section at the top of the form to specify whether the value of the current field is determined by a variable or by a value.

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.

The tabs and controls that were added to this form for the Warehouse management features in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 are not described in this topic. For information about these features, see Warehouse management.


Vikas Mehta.

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